The upgrading process of our laboratory has commenced
Our Research and Development Centre and the cGMP-compliant manufacturing facility are located at EIT+, which is one of the most comprehensive ... More
Bioceltix at the “Gospodarcze Otwarcie Roku” conference
We wouldn’t dare miss the annual “Gospodarcze Otwarcie Roku” (Business Opening of the Year) conference on 21 February 2018. The meeting allows ... More
Stem cell technology development trends
What has science yet to discover about the mechanisms of action of MSCs? Is it possible to replace living stem cells without sacrificing the ... More
Meet our Partners
We are a team is dedicated to the constant search for new biotechnology solutions. We create top-of-the-line stem cell-based pharmaceuticals for ... More
Bioceltix is implementing a project co-financed by EU funds
Bioceltix is implementing the project entitled “The production of adipose tissue-derived allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells as compliant with the ... More
Bioceltix is implementing a project co-financed by EU funds
Bioceltix is implementing the project entitled “The production of adipose tissue-derived allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells as compliant with the ... More
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